Radjah Shelduck
Radjah radjah
CLASS Aves | ORDER Anseriformes | FAMILY AnatidaeRANGE New Guinea and the Moluccan Islands, Aru Islands, and Fergusson Island
HABITAT Coastal marsh, lagoons, and swamps
DIET Mollusks and other aquatic invertebrates
RANGE New Guinea and the Moluccan Islands, Aru Islands, and Fergusson Island
HABITAT Coastal marsh, lagoons, and swamps
DIET Mollusks and other aquatic invertebrates
Radjah shelduck pairs defend a territory that includes a nest site, a foraging area, and a brood rearing area. They usually nest in hollow trees near water. Young are cared for by both parents.
Their flight is goose-like, with slower wing beats than most ducks.