military macaw

Military Macaw

Ara militaris

CLASS Aves | ORDER Psittaciformes | FAMILY Psittacidae

RANGE Mexico, Tropical Central and South America

HABITAT Forests near water courses; arid and semi-arid regions

DIET Seeds, figs and other fruits, nuts, berries and other vegetable material

1 - 2 lbs

27 - 33 in

39 - 43 in

28 days

1 - 4 eggs

IUCN Status
military macaw

This species was named for its drab olive color when it was first imported into Europe by military personnel. Usually roosting in the highest outer branches of trees, they live in pairs, families, or large flocks, foraging for fruits and nuts. Macaws are social animals and live in flocks of 20 to 40 birds.

Macaws are easily identified by their loud screeching and croaking. Their beak is used to open fruit and nuts and to help them climb. They use their feet to hold their food while they crack it open with their beak.

military macaw

Once common in Mexico, they are now listed as endangered due to the clearing of their habitat for agriculture as well as their capture for the pet trade. To assure protection of the northernmost race, the entire species is listed in Appendix I of CITES.