Eclectus Parrot
Lorius roratus
CLASS Aves | ORDER Psittaciformes | FAMILY PsittacidaeRANGE Australia, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, and Indonesia
HABITAT Mangroves and tropical forests
DIET Fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, leaf buds, blossoms, nectar
RANGE Australia, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, and Indonesia
HABITAT Mangroves and tropical forests
DIET Fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, leaf buds, blossoms, nectar
Male and female eclectus parrots are so different in color (sexually dimorphic) that they are often mistaken as two different species. The male is bright green with blue and red patches and a yellow and orange beak.The female is crimson red with a blue belly and black beak.
They are strong fliers and on long flights, they fly high above the forest canopy.