blue-fronted amazon

Blue-fronted Amazon

Amazona aestiva

CLASS Aves | ORDER Psittaciformes | FAMILY Psittacidae

RANGE Southwestern Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia , and northern Argentina

HABITAT Inhabits humid and dry forests, palm trees, and at the edge of rivers

DIET Leaves, flowers, insects, fruit, seeds

14 - 19 oz

14 - 15 in

28 days

2 - 3 eggs

IUCN Status
Least Concern
blue-fronted amazon

Blue-fronted amazons are very good flyers, but waddle clumsily on the ground. Their beaks are used to climb, crack open nuts and seeds, and pick foliage, flowers and fruits to eat.

Their feet have sharp claws with two toes in front and two toes in back. Use their feet as hands.


These birds are very good at mimicking human speech and are known to be noisy. When Amazon parrots were first discovered they were called kriken, which is derived from the French word meaning "screechers".

In the course of daily feeding, these messy eaters allow plenty of seeds (while eating, as well as in their droppings) to fall to the forest floor, thus generating much of the forest growth.


Blue-fronted amazons are benefitting from agriculture in their range. However, these birds are considered pests because their eating habits are destructive to crops. They are in decline due to habitat loss and overexploitation for the pet trade.