black crowned crane

Black Crowned Crane

Balearica pavonina

CLASS Aves | ORDER Gruiformes | FAMILY Gruidae

RANGE South and Southeast Africa as far north as equator

HABITAT Prefer wetland portions of grasslands and open savannas, flooded lowlands and wet croplands

DIET Grasses, seeds, insects, mollusks, millipedes, crustaceans, small fish, amphibians, and reptiles

6.5 - 9 lbs

3 ft

5.5 - 6.5 ft

28 - 35 days

2 - 5 eggs

IUCN Status
black crowned crane

Black crowned cranes feed mainly by pecking at the surface and may stamp their feet to scare up invertebrates to eat. They roost in trees, which is unusual for cranes.

They are found in pairs, but can form large flocks. Adult cranes reinforce their pair bond by dancing for and with each other. Dances can involve bows, leaps, runs, and short flights.

black crowned crane

Threatened due to habitat loss and capture for the pet trade.