Barred Owl
Strix varia
CLASS Aves | ORDER Strigiformes | FAMILY StrigidaeRANGE North America
HABITAT Mature forests and heavily wooded swamps
DIET Rodents, squirrels, hares, frogs, reptiles, crawfish and insects
RANGE North America
HABITAT Mature forests and heavily wooded swamps
DIET Rodents, squirrels, hares, frogs, reptiles, crawfish and insects
The name barred owl comes from the beautiful brown and buff vertical color streaks or bars on their chest. The barred owl is commonly referred to as the "hoot owl." This name refers to its "hoot-hoot" call.
Its streamlined flight feathers allow it to swoop down on rodents and other small animals without a sound. Asymmetrical ears allow the bird to use triangulation to locate its prey. This enables the owl to pinpoint its prey even in total darkness. Owls can turn their head almost 180 degrees.
Barred owls are common throughout their range.