

Potos flavus

CLASS Mammalia | ORDER Carnivora | FAMILY Procyonidae

RANGE Southern Mexico, Central and South America

HABITAT Tropical forests; treetops

DIET Plant materials, primarily fruits, nuts and legumes, insects, eggs, sometimes even birds

4 - 10 lbs

Body Length
16 - 30 in

Tail Length
15 - 22 in

98 - 120 days

1 - 2

IUCN Status
Least Concern

The kinkajou is almost entirely arboreal. It spends days in a hollow tre and forages at night. Its prehensile tail helps it keep balanced and is used to grasp objects.

Its narrow extendible tongue is used to pull out the soft meat of fruit and to lick nectar, eat insects and honey. Kinkajous are also known as "honey bears".


Newborns are about 12 inches long and have a silver gray color. Their tail attains prehensile qualities at 2-3 months and adult coloration at one year.


The threats to kinkajous include extensive human disturbance, deforestation, pet trade, and hunting for their meat and fur.